“Bee a Little Chef with Willy”
Hello Kids
Here you can find a bunch of cool things all about food, some awesome tips & tricks about cooking and lots of ideas how to make your favorite meals much healthier and yummier!
Sven, the little Chefs and of course … myself, have put together cool videos, fun stuff to read, awesome pictures and a lot of yummy recipes for you.
So what do you like to cook or bake? Do you make pancakes in the morning or do you have a favorite snack? Do you know a great recipe we can make on the show?
On the CONTACT US – Page you can contact Sven or myself with all your ideas, your favorite recipes and even pictures of yourself cooking.
Who said cooking isn’t fun? Come and join us!

Leave us a comment and share your thoughts and ideas with others:
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We hope you are having lots of fun so far. Thank you very much for being on our website. The whole team really appreciates it!
And speaking of the whole team … here are some of the familiar faces. Pick your favorites, haha.

He also tells us what to be aware of when selecting food at the farmers market or how to make our workplace safer.
Willy is always up to something and he tries to snag something sweet when nobody is looking! His favorite food is: Honey … and more honey!!

Sven has worked as a Chef/Pastry Chef for over 20 years. Beside his passion for cooking and baking he is an actor as well as a screenwriter, producer and voiceover talent. He likes the outdoors, motorcycles and exercising.
Sven hosts the cooking videos and makes sure that Willy won’t get too crazy… which doesn’t always work out.
The Little Chefs

His Hobbies are: Playing Guitar & Piano, Baseball, Soccer, Ice skating and riding his bike and his scooter. He likes board games, puzzles, movies and art.
Ian is also a Karate Champ…and he chops carrots with his bare hands!!! So watch out! His favorite food is Pizza with veggies on it.

Her hobbies are: playing tennis, swimming and waterskiing.
Her favorite foods are: shrimp, rice, broccoli, carrots…and wayyyyyy too much lemonade! Grace loooves traveling in the summer, playing on the beach and going to Camp. Did we mention that her favorite colors are pink and purple?

His hobbies are baseball, cooking, and hanging out with his friends. His favorite thing to cook is hamburger.
His favorite food is hearts of Palm and steak. Steak with hearts of Palm – don’t get him started.
When he grows up he wants to be a baseball player.

His hobbies are playing basketball, watching survivor and all kinds of cooking shows.
His favorite is “The Food Network Star.” When he grows up he wants to be a point guard for the Los Angeles Clippers.

She is a passionate dancer on a dance team. When she grows up she wants to be a rapper, fashion designer, and a singer.
Her favorite food is pasta. She loves to make pizzas with her mom and bugging her little brother.

His hobbies are all kinds of sports, hanging out with his friends, and cooking.
His favorite cooking show is “Top Chef.” When he grows up he wants to be Will Ferrell.

She likes making scrambled eggs by herself and absolutely LOVES practicing her cartwheels. When she grows up she wants to be a chiropractor, just like mommy & daddy, so that she can help people live healthy lives!

She also enjoys reading and she loves to cook! Her favorite food is Macaroni & Cheese.


He is an accomplished pianist, and swimmer. He enjoys acting as well.
Some of his favorite things to cook are breakfast sandwiches, pesto pasta and tuna melts. He likes to cook for his entire family.

Her most favorite dish are “Chicken Enchiladas”. She also has a passion for fashion, designing, sewing and sketching.
Nathalia loves volunteering her time in the community to help those who are in need.
She is a passionate advocate to end gun violence.

Thank you Willy’s Kitchen. You guys rock! 🙂
Thank you, Sven. So far you are our biggest fan, haha 😉
Hello 🙂
Thank you Willy’s Kitchen. You guys rock! 😉